

Successful commercial spaces and buildings serve multiple individuals: for the owner – a long-term, flexible investment; for the tenant – support for wellness, productivity, and visibility; and for the visitor – wayfinding, comfort, and experience.  A partnership philosophy enables Baysinger to treat all these individuals as partners.  Our attention to long-lasting design is imbued in the scope, detail, and execution of our projects for long-term commercial success.


Jerry Baysinger created a reputation of excellence in retail architecture.  Our long-term retail and developer clients trust the expertise and philosophy of our firm with a partnership that puts their storefronts and anchor buildings on a strong foundation for long-term success. With the rise of online purchasing, retail architecture offers a place to connect with people that sell products and services as well as the ability to touch, look and investigate products. Retail is about experience more than ever before.

Mixed Use & Multi Family

Baysinger seeks to accentuate opportunities while solving problems in all projects.  Successful Mixed-use and Multifamily projects rely on creating unique experiences with a tight program.  Designing successful projects that integrate multiple uses and users require attention to the daily tasks, but also attention to the unique opportunities that ingratiate people to a place.


Baysinger specializes in “business supportive non-profits”; non-profits that utilize commercial and service businesses to support their core missions.  Being a partner to non-profits means understanding both the mission and value of the non-profit and the success of the supporting business or fundraising model.  We are responsive to the needs of a non-profit to demonstrate the worth of every dollar spent to its board and stakeholders.


From turnkey projects to complicated remodels, Baysinger provides practical solutions for medical buildings and spaces.  Working as a team with contractors, developers, tenants and agencies; solutions arise when each member is listened to and respected.


Our Industrial designs focus on maximizing construction economy and operating efficiency. An extensive history with all construction types and materials – including CMU, concrete tilt-up, structural brick and pre-engineered metal building construction – allows us to provide our clients with a durable, high-functioning and cost-effective project of any size.

Single Family

Providing a home is a responsibility to curate space for privacy and spaces for sharing. Homes and Multi-family residences should allow space for individual expression of the people inside.  Baysinger provides thoughtful residential designs that express simplicity and honesty.

We recognize that everything is of an era, but with simple, lasting, well-crafted structures designs can transcend into timelessness.

Let’s start your next project.